
Department of Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology

Pharmacy Orientation

Physical Pharmacy

Pharmaceutical dosage forms – I

Pharmaceutical dosage forms – II

Pharmaceutical dosage forms – III

Pharmaceutical Technology

Advanced drug delivery systems

Department of Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology

n the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful And say (O Muhammad SAW) "Do deeds! Allah will see your deeds, and (so will) His Messenger and the believers. Allah Almighty is Truthful Praise be to Allah, the Lord of all worlds, and may peace and blessings be upon the noblest of prophets and messengers, our Prophet Muhammad, and upon his family, companions, and followers until the Day of Judgment. As for After, I am delighted to extend my congratulations to the university administration, represented by Professor Dr. Mansour Kabash, the university president, and Professor Dr. Mahmoud Sheiha, the vice president for education and student affairs, as well as the esteemed faculty members and staff, my dear male and female students, and the employees of the Faculty of Nursing - Sphinx University on the occasion of the second year of studying in this great educational institution. I also congratulate my students who have joined the college on this great opportunity granted to them by belonging to the Faculty of Nursing at Sphinx University. The college continuously encourages them to excel in various nursing fields, characterized by dedication and creativity, to meet the needs of the job market with distinguished competencies, contribute to serving the community and the surrounding environment, and establish exceptional community partnerships, all in accordance with the college's strategic plan while considering comprehensive quality standards and achieving academic accreditation. Our college is distinguished by its experienced and highly qualified faculty members who work as a team with harmony, love, and cooperation. They exert their utmost efforts to assist and encourage students to excel and embrace different cultures to enhance their academic performance in their future workplaces. We all place our hopes in Allah, the Most High, that He will crown our efforts with success and make our work sincere for His noble sake, raising the college's banner high and elevating our beloved country, Egypt. Dr. Entisar Mohamed Younes Dean of the Faculty of Nursing - Sphinx University
