
The Grand Mufti of Egypt at the Delta University for Science and Technology

On Tuesday, 4/1/2022, Delta University for Science and Technology witnessed the third annual scientific day of the Faculty of Medicine under the auspices of Dr. Mohammed Rabie Naser - Chairman of the Board of Trustees, and Prof. Yehia Abdul Azim Al-Mashad - The President of the University, Eng. Osama Mohamed Rabie - Vice-President of the Board of Trustees and Prof. Ahmed Al-Tawdi - Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, by holding a scientific symposium entitled " "Scientific Research Ethics", delivered by Prof. Ahmed Shuqair - Director of the Center for Kidney and Urology of Mansoura University and recipient of the Mohammed Rabie Award for Scientific Research in 2018, and in the presence of faculties’ deans, staff, co-staff, and students.

Shuqair began the lecture, noting that scientific counterfeiting had increased ten times over the previous four decades and that it had serious consequences. Shuqair reviewed the standards of ethics of scientific research and authorship and that the authors included in a scientific article must meet several criteria, the most important of which is that the author has contributed in one way or another to the writing of the article, that the article has been drafted, substantially revised or critically reviewed, and that the author must agree to the newspaper or journal that will publish the research or article, and it is mandatory for the author to take responsibility for the content written in the paper.

He also explained the most important organizations that develop publishing ethics: Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), European Association of Science Editors (EASE), International Society of Medical Publication Professionals (ISMPP), and finally, the Science Editors' Council.

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